Monday, November 21, 2011

The Gift of Fear

Emotion is necessary for human survival. Every kinds of emotion, such as fear, joy, sorrow, anger, hunger, greed, satisfaction and etc., contribute to building of our personality and our lives.

In particular, human need fear in order to survive. How can fear help us survive? Simple. If you feel fear, then you run away or get ready to fight. What would happen if you met a tiger in a forest and did not feel fear at all? What if you just stood there and stared at the tiger's eye as if it were a small puppy? Well of course then the tiger would attack you and you'll die. You run away from danger because you feel fear. 

Love, in other way, helped human to survive because it makes human to mate with each other and produce offspring. Greed lets us to discover better ways to live - better food, better clothes, better houses, better technology, and so on. As seen, emotion is a vital part of our lives that make us think and feel the world. If there were no emotion, then we would live like robots and we would not act properly.

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